AI-Powered Research to Transform Premier’s Workflows

User Interviews and observational research to identify challenges and opportunities for enhanced software

Project Overview


Premier, an organization dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities, sought to replace their existing software with a unified and cost-efficient software solution. Premier approached ZEAL to conduct user research to identify opportunities to streamline processes and operational needs.


Gain insights into Premier’s workflows and identify system challenges to create a software that improves processes while replacing Salesforce.


Strategy & Approach

ZEAL conducted research through in-depth interviews and live system demonstrations that gave insights into the challenges and needs of Premier’s staff. Using AI tools throughout this process allowed us to gain deep insights in a timely fashion.


We started our research process off by conducting interviews to understand the client’s main struggles. Observational research through live demonstrations was conducted to map out workflows and point out challenges within existing processes.

To recognize patterns and speed up the synthesis of the research, we utilized various AI tools like for transcribing interviews, Kraftful to extract insights, and Figjam to summarize and sort through findings.

We tracked user workflows within multiple systems, overlapping manual processes, and extensive correspondence. Using the AI tool ChatGPT, we summarized the top user needs and pain points while creating starter user stories. ZEAL iterated on Premier’s processes and presented potential workflows optimized by incorporating automation and data synchronization into operations.

FigJam Premier User Research Map


A report of all research insights containing a breakdown of user pain points, user needs, opportunities for data synchronization, and automation within processes. The report included an enhanced onboarding workflow reducing the amount of clicks from 109 to 14.

Comparison of Current Process to Improved Process

Learning & Insights

The user research process highlighted the importance of efficient operations to maintain data synchronization and reduce manual processes. Understanding Premier’s needs enabled us to pin point challenges and shortfalls in their current process from an external, analytical perspective. The project emphasized the efficiency in utilizing AI tools in the user research undertaking. ZEAL’s approach showcased a knowledge of optimal user workflows and data management not only addressing current challenges but proposing foundational solutions.


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