Innovate with Less Risk

Join our Cohort Experience that helps startups like yours to rapidly innovate with less risk.

Let's Talk

Design Sprint Collective

Are you tired of taking risks with your innovative ideas?

Do you wish there was a way to get proven answers before you invest a lot of time and resources?

If you answered yes, then our cohort experience is for you. Our cohort experience is designed to help startups innovate with less risk.

Sticky notes with focus on Usability Testing

What’s to Expect

Our cohort experience is a 4-week remote design sprint guided by experienced facilitators from our company called ZEAL.

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Scoping Workshop on day 0

In the scoping workshop, you'll gain a holistic view of your company through a general map and application map.

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two 4-day design sprints

Two 4-day sprints provide you with time to ideate, prototype, and test ideas. Iterate quickly for a higher chance of success.

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weekly celebrations of your work

At the end of each week, we'll celebrate your progress and help you start your next week with excitement.

Icon of shaking hands

time to network and learn

You'll also have access to a water cooler experience where you can network and learn from other startups in the cohort.

Icon of a stack of papers


We’ll provide you with proven answers, a user-tested prototype, long-term goals and a plan of action.

Icon of a safety ring

Lifetime access to
the cohort circle

Stay connected with like-minded individuals, share resources, and collaborate on future projects.

Icon of a t-shirt

swag for you and
your team

Be proud of being part of the cohort community and wear some swag that celebrate your joint successes.

ZEAL logo

Sprint with ZEAL

ZEAL empowers startups and enterprise companies to deliver coded, custom solutions at lightning speed.

We understand that it's not just about following a strict process, but rather it's about creating a positive and productive experience. We work closely with our client's teams to tailor the design sprint process to their specific needs and goals.

But there is more! Even after the sprint, we are here to support you and your team to ensure that they can implement the results. We see our role as not only facilitators but also as partners, working closely with your team to achieve success.

4 - Week Remote Sprint

Throughout the 4 weeks, you and your team will work in breakout rooms, complete daily homework, receive daily posts, and have access to technical facilitators for custom support. Expect celebrations at the end of each week and collective water-cooler breaks with your cohort.

Week 0: 1-Hour scoping workshop

  • A Mini-Workshop to
  • Understand your Business
  • Define your Challenge
  • Create a General Map
  • Get ready to start your first Sprint with Confidence

Week 1: Onboarding & Interviews

  • Meet the Cohort
  • 1:1 Interviews and Onboarding with your team
  • Daily Posts to prep for the Sprint

Week 2: Design Sprint 1

  • Day 1: Understand and Define
  • Day 2: Diverge and Ideate
  • Day 3: Decide and Prototype
  • Day 4: Test and Validate

Week 3: Iteration Sprint

  • Day 1: Understand and Define
  • Day 2: Diverge and Ideate
  • Day 3: Decide and Prototype
  • Day 4: Test and Validate

Week 4: Off-Boarding

  • Handover Workshop
  • Wrap-up Call
  • Handover of Deliverables:
  • Executive Summary
  • Scrapbook of memorable moments
  • Actionable next Steps in a clear Roadmap


We promise massive deliverables that help you to level up your product at the end of the 4 week cohort experience.

Q&A Icon

Proven Answers

Proven answers to the initial questions and valuable user insights gathered from user testing.

Survey Icon

User-Tested Prototype

A user-tested prototype to de-risk your product and ensure it meeting the needs of your target audience.

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Application Map & Diagrams

The application maps and flow diagrams will provide clarity and direction for your product.

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Plan of Action

A clear plan of action for the next steps to be taken based on the outcome of the design sprint

Ladder Icon

Long-term Goal

A long-term goal and associated success metrics for internal alignment

Circle of people Icon

Network & Community

By experiencing and sharing your stories with each other, you build a long-lasting community.

Join the Cohort Experience and start innovating with less Risk


You must have questions and we are here to answer them.